Timeline Pre-Event
Approximate timeline of the pre-event phase to boost networking and foster team formations
Week 1 (13.03. - 19.03.)
Day 1 (13.03.)
Official launch of the pre-event phase of the hackathon, announcement of the tracks and the prize pool
Day 2 (14.03.)
Opening webinar with an overview of the hackathon, Q&A session for participants to ask any questions they may have
Day 3 (15.03.)
Networking event on Gather.Town, allowing participants to connect with one another and form teams
Day 4 (16.03.)
Technical workshop on Polkadot development, providing onboarding material for those new to the ecosystem
Day 5 (17.03.)
Twitter Spaces chat with industry experts, discussing the importance of NFTs and Web3
Week 2 (20.03. - 26.03.)
Day 6 (20.03.)
Fireside chat on Discord, featuring updates on the hackathon and Q&A
Day 7 (21.03.)
Webinar on marketing and branding for blockchain projects, providing insights on how to create compelling narratives around NFTs
Day 8 (22.03.)
Networking event on Gather.Town, allowing participants to connect with one another and form teams
Day 9 (23.03.)
Technical workshop on using Polkadot infrastructure to build NFTs, providing onboarding material for those new to the ecosystem
Day 10 (24.03.)
Twitter Spaces chat with industry experts, discussing the importance of community in blockchain projects
Week 3 (27.03. - 02.04.)
Day 11 (27.03.)
Fireside chat on Discord, featuring updates on the hackathon and Q&A
Day 12 (28.03.)
Webinar on using IPFS for decentralized storage in NFT projects, providing insights on how to ensure content is secure and accessible
Day 13 (29.03.)
Networking event on Gather.Town, allowing participants to connect with one another and form teams
Day 14 (30.03.)
Technical workshop on smart contract development for NFT projects, providing onboarding material for those new to the ecosystem
Day 15 (31.03.)
Twitter Spaces chat with industry experts, discussing the role of interoperability in blockchain projects
Week 4 (03.04. - 09.04.)
Day 16 (03.04.)
Fireside chat on Discord, featuring updates on the hackathon and Q&A
Day 17 (04.04.)
Webinar on creating compelling user experiences in NFT-driven dapps, providing insights on how to ensure your project stands out
Day 18 (05.04.)
Networking event on Gather.Town, allowing participants to connect with one another and form teams
Day 19 (06.04.)
Technical workshop on using *project* for infrastructure integration in NFT projects, providing onboarding material for those new to the ecosystem
Day 20 (07.04.)
Twitter Spaces chat with industry experts, discussing the role of governance in blockchain projects